In the Loop Internet studio, foodie and host Brian DiMattia sits down with Adam Horvath, food blogger and Founder of Foodigenous. The conversation in this episode travels from the peculiar pizza concoctions of Pizzazz Pizza in South Philly to the “Pizza Capital of the World,” in Old Forge, PA.
Along the way, they discuss the pivotal role of regional delicacies like New Haven’s clam pies, dissect the influence of sports fandom on food culture, and share stories that celebrate the intersection of life and culinary passions.
For those captivated by the storytelling of food bloggers, they discuss the behind the scenes of food review etiquette, community building, and content creation in the food industry.
Discover the bonds formed over a shared love for cuisine and the unexpected lessons learned from engaging with fellow food enthusiasts. Not just a talk about pizza, this episode unwraps the layers of food blogging, complete with stories of local media appearances and the thrill of forging a path in the culinary digital landscape.

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