The Garden Drive-In shows “Mermaids” at 8:15 p.m. on Sunday, September 22, to benefit Adopt a Single Mom Project.
Photo Credit — Submitted
HUNLOCK CREEK — Did you know one in every five households around Northeastern Pennsylvania are being run solely by a working, single mom? To be exact, 17,460 is the current number of households being led by single moms in and around NEPA.
Those findings didn’t stun Author and Times Leader/Weekender writer Christopher Vernon one bit, as he himself was brought up in a single parent home, particularly by his working class mother Donna Topito.
“The men in this area, when it comes to accepting responsibility, just seem to vaporize into thin air, and that’s coming from a man himself. I have dealt with many disappearing magicians in my day” stated Vernon. “Men do not lift women up and celebrate them nearly as much as they have a natural responsibility to do so. But they are quick to tell them what they can and can’t do with their own bodies, careers, etc. If I wanted to follow suit with that kind of “bologney”, I would just hit up my local deli counter…no pun intended.”
Looking for some inspiration to give back and contribute to the community that has offered him so much, finding “Adopt A Single Mom Project” hit home and felt personal.
“Single parents and we the people in general need and deserve lifting up at various stages of our own journeys. Heck, I just raise two cats at home and I am not about to minimize the struggle. Have you seen the cost of litter lately?” joked Vernon.
After being rejected by countless venues to host, pounding the pavement determined Christopher finally landed a partnership with the welcoming Garden Drive-In, just outside Wilkes-Barre. One prominent area venue in downtown Scranton said to Vernon after he made his early pitch, “You’re only one guy, with no backing, I don’t want my business costs to host this to fall on you if it fails.”
Mr. Vernon wants to make one thing crystal clear here, “I am indeed only one guy, he was right. But I was not about to let another person’s opinion minimize my worth or the efforts I can bring to the table. If you don’t look the same, talk and walk the same as others in this country, you are immediately disregarded as an outsider or a joke in certain areas of this country.”
On Sunday, September 22, bask under the evening stars for “For Her” at the Garden Drive-In while the quintessential Single Mom classic comedy “Mermaids” starring Cher, Winona Ryder, and Bob Hoskins will light up the silver screen once again.
Starting at dusk, entry proceeds will go directly to The Adopt A Single Mom Project, benefiting working moms trying to fill in the gaps such as affordable child care, grocery assistance, public transportation, and emotional group support like outings and field trips.
“You don’t have to know any of these woman personally to get off your hind quarters and come out and support them, sighs Christopher Vernon. “We all have mothers, sisters, wives, friends who all face similar hurdles.”
— Remember, it takes a village.