Imagine waking up every day without access to clean, running water. This is the reality for 19 million people living in Kenya.
The DIRT Project, founded by Josh Salvaterra, which stands for “Deeply Invested in Reaching the Third world,” is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising funds to provide those living Third-World countries with water access and irrigation systems.
The goal is to give them the ability to grow their own food and work on their land in order to become a more self-sustaining community.
In this episode, Bill and Josh sit down and journey through stories of faith, serendipity, and the transformative power of giving back. They uncover the soulful work of The DIRT Project in Kenyan communities, where clean water isn’t just a resource — it’s a lifeline.
The stories and experiences shared in this episode reflect the depth of change that one person’s act of faith can ignite, spreading ripples of abundance and hope across oceans. From Bill and Josh’s spontaneous encounter leading to a collaboration this upcoming summer in Africa to the meaningful impact of providing clean, running water to families in Kenya. Each story is a testament to the enduring impact of kindness and charity.
The heart of this episode is the Water & Sand Parable, a profound lesson for life’s balance between holding on and letting go. Like sand slipping through fingers when gripping too tightly, they discuss how the act of opening our hands in trust and generosity allows us to receive and hold even more — just as water cupped in open palms. Through shared experiences and the power of giving, OnTheStacks invite listeners to find their own path to philanthropy and fulfillment.
Contribute to the efforts in Kenya:
Faith, Abundance, & Trust: The Water & Sand Parable | Ep.202 Josh Salvaterra

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