Mutant Brewing

Movie Meow presents cat charity event at Mutant Brewing

SCRANTON — Looking for something CAT-tastic to do this upcoming weekend? How about an easy, breezy event that will not only be a good time, but also doubles as a charity? Relaxed fun and giving back to the community, can’t get much better than that this fall!

The Roof at Oppenheim to hold first-ever White Party

SCRANTON —- Want to feel like you’re attending a classy shindig in the Hollywood Hills? The Roof at Oppenheim is hosting their first-ever White Party on Saturday, July 27 starting at 7:00 p.m.

Venue Review: Mutant Brewing

“Cowabunga Man!” Oh wait, wrong reference, this is not a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles themed brewery after all like I first thought, oopsa doopsa. Mutant Brewing is the latest sippery to grace the Lackawanna County landscape in downtown Scranton.

Weekender Spotlight