Jerry Seinfeld gathers a host of comedians for a jolly comedy about the rise of the Pop Tart in the 60s.

Jerry Seinfeld gathers a host of comedians for a jolly comedy about the rise of the Pop Tart in the 60s.

Rice Krispies, Cheerios, Cocoa Puffs, Cap’n Crunch, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and Frosted Flakes. All rings a bell?

Speaking of “Frosted Flakes,” I know a few in my personal life, but hey different subject, let’s keep it strictly to popular cereal brands and not get side-tracked here. In my youth, I would probably say it was safe to say my favorite brand of cereal was Lucky Charms or Frosted Mini Wheats. How about you, what was (or still is) your favorite, go-to brand?

One of the most famous names in sitcom history, Jerry Seinfeld is back after decades only really performing stale, reused stand-up routines from the 90’s. This time he is in the director’s chair and in the leading role playing “Bob Cabana,” working for Kellogg’s Cereal company rivaling against equally popular Post in a race to invent a breakfast cake that will take over the majority of 1963 American homes. The breakfast item was later named and is known today as a Pop Tart.

Boasting an impressive roster of Hollywood heavyweights, co-starring are Melissa McCarthy (The Little Mermaid), Amy Schumer, Christian Slater (Untamed Heart), comedian Jim Gaffigan, and Hugh Grant.

Although a bunch of podcasts are saying to skip this comedy-biography picture altogether, I have to beg to differ. I thought that the humor was jolly and “Unfrosted” was a pleasant watch all-around. You could do far worse these days, I promise you.

Jerry Seinfeld, whose acting doesn’t really carry all that much range in my personal opinion, is not a far cry from his sitcom character, just older and more professional.

No surprise that the comedic chops are all left to the ladies in this one. Melissa McCarthy and Amy Schumer (Life & Beth series) steal the show with their one-liners. I belly laughed a few times, and because of all my frequent IPAs down the hatch, my belly was a jiggling no doubt!

“Unfrosted,” starring: Jerry Seinfeld, Melissa McCarthy, Christian Slater, Amy Schumer

Christopher’s “Meow” Score: “6” paws out of 10.