Dennis Ellis, TechSpark Manager at Microsoft, speaks on Wednesday during his keynote address at the 2023 Wilkes-Barre Connect Conference.
Bill O’Boyle | Times Leader
WILKES-BARRE — Dennis Ellis, TechSpark Manager at Microsoft, Wednesday said “talent is everywhere, but opportunity is not.”
Ellis was the keynote speaker at the 2023 Wilkes-Barre Connect Conference, held at the THINK Center on South Main Street.
“Rapid advancement in technology is creating new opportunities in a digital economy, changing how we communicate, learn, work and access healthcare and other essential services,” Ellis said. “But these opportunities remain out of reach for many in rural communities, small or midsize cities, or under-served areas of larger metropolitan areas.”
Five years ago, Microsoft launched the TechSpark program to accelerate economic growth in six communities across the United States and Mexico. Through TechSpark, Ellis and his colleagues work with local community organizations to develop digital skills, support nonprofits and create jobs.
The TechSpark program focuses on four key issues:
• Digital access: Building broadband infrastructure so people have access to essential online activities,
• Computer science education: Helping build computer science classes in local schools,
• Digital skills: Helping people learn the skills they need for the jobs of the future,
• Digital transformation: Helping nonprofits, startups and local businesses leverage technology to grow, innovate and compete,
Ellis joined the Microsoft TechSpark initiative as the Wyoming Community Engagement Manager in 2017. He also leads Microsoft’s domestic field team for disaster relief.
Ellis came to Microsoft from a public relations firm he founded — Ellis Public Affairs — where he consulted for clients such as Wal-Mart, Google, Denver Children’s Hospital, US Chamber, Johnson & Johnson and Anadarko.
Prior to that, Ellis served as Deputy Attorney General in the Colorado Attorney General’s Office and in Gov. Bill Owens’ cabinet as Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, the organization tasked with protecting the environment and public health of Colorado.
Ellis also served as Legislative Director and Counsel for U.S. Rep. Barbara Cubin of Wyoming.
Shanie Mohamed, Director of Economic Development at Wilkes-Barre Connect and the Greater Wyoming Valley Chamber of Commerce, opened the 2023 Wilkes-Barre Connect Conference Wednesday at the THINK Center.
“If you’re not familiar with us, Wilkes-Barre Connect ensures that all entrepreneurs, startups, and existing businesses have access to the resources, providers, and facilities necessary to grow in Northeastern Pennsylvania,” Mohamed said. “We thrive on our ability to leverage our network to align innovation, strategies, and resources that meet the needs of the business community.”
Mohamed said Connect is built upon the strength of its core partners: The Greater Wyoming Valley Chamber of Commerce; Wilkes University Small Business Development Center; Family Business Alliance; The Institute; the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center at Wilkes University; the Diamond City Partnership; the Wilkes-Barre Launchbox through INVENT Penn State; and Ben Franklin Technology Partners.
Mohamed said Wednesday conference was dedicated to connecting, learning, engaging in conversation, and getting involved in entrepreneurial ecosystems.
“As you may know, the theme of today’s conference is ‘Creative Solutions, Sustainable Impact,’” Mohamed said. “We were intentional about this theme because while we know it takes an innovative and entrepreneurial mindset to brainstorm a solution, it takes all of us in the same room to build those solutions in a way that can make the most meaningful impact.”
The conference was broken out into two tracks:
• Track 1 — “Creative Solutions” track, which featured a lot of the entrepreneurial content.
• Track 2 — “Sustainable Impact” track, which featured facilitated roundtable discussions centered around various topics we all face, such as community involvement, housing, career exploration and education, and barriers to entrepreneurship.
“The more perspectives we have, the better,” Mohamed said. “All roundtable discussions were recorded and podcasted so they can live on and fuel the work of various community organizations moving forward, so we encourage you all to speak up, participate, offer ideas and feedback, and be a part of building impactful solutions in these areas.”
Lindsay Griffin-Boylan, President/CEO of the Greater Wyoming Valley Chamber of Commerce, said Wednesday’s event brought together students, businesses, entrepreneurs and community partners from across the region to make innovative solutions together in a collaborative setting.
“This unique format gives the spotlight to each participant to offer their input and ideas to solve the most pressing issues our area faces,” Griffin-Boylan said. “Our organization thrives on our ability to leverage our network to align innovation, strategies, and resources that meet the needs of the business community and build a strong future for this area, and that is exactly what today was about.”
Reach Bill O’Boyle at 570-991-6118 or on Twitter @TLBillOBoyle.