Baby Reindeer received 11 Primetime Emmy Award nominations for the outstanding limited series on Netflix that debuted in 2024.
Photo Credit — Ed Miller/Netflix - © 2022 Netflix, Inc.
With streaming there’s no need to feel bad for not watching things while they’re hot. The shows will still be there when you’re ready to Netflix and chill. Since stay-home-and-binge-watch season, or as others call it – fall — is well on the way, here’s five series to check out!
I love everything from spooky thrills to teen drama to trashy reality shows. So, in case you’ve fallen out of the Netflix loop — don’t worry. I’ve got you covered with the best things I’ve watched on the platform this year…which may or may not have come out this year. Does it matter when they debuted? Time is merely a construct but streaming is forever.
Dark poets and horror-loving bibliophiles will fall in love with this sick, thrilling interpretation of Edgar Allan Poe’s works in the most recent release from the Mike Flanagan universe.
This came out ahead of Halloween of 2023, but now that it’s nearly spooky season again, it’s the perfect time to watch or rewatch this limited series. The Fall of the House of Usher reminds me of the excitement of American Horror Story’s Murder House and Coven seasons — a perfect blend of chic, cheek, and BLOOD.
Although the cinematography makes The Fall of the House of Usher feel campy, there are truly terrifying moments laden this dramatic horror mystery that will haunt me for years to come — cough, The Masque of the Red Death, cough, I’ll never be the same, cough. They did not skimp out on the horror and gore while weaving a compelling story that slowly spells doom for Roderick Usher (played by Bruce Greenwood), the promiscuous pharmaceutical patriarch who wanted it all.
This horror limited series also incorporates the woeful tales of Edgar Allan Poe in devilishly clever fashion. Each episode puts a fresh spin on an EAP tale that will keep you guessing even while you know how the story ends.
Oh, and is it even an installment without the Flanaverse maven herself? Have every fear, Carla Gugino is here and she’s delightfully frightening as a sort of crossroads demon.
I’m a huge fan of everything in the so-called “Mike Flanagan Cinematic Universe,” including hits like The Haunting of Hill House and The Midnight Club. I’ve never been let down by any of his recent releases and — according to the way each series tends to rocket into Netflix’s Top 10 — no one else has either. This was my favorite Mike Flanagan series so far, second only to Midnight Mass which also features many of the same actors and actresses.
Netflix had been hobbling along without a big hit in a while — and then Baby Reindeer came along, a painfully honest little story that broke the internet. Suddenly friends are adding “Sent from my iPhone” to the end of texts and Martha is the name on everyone’s tongue.
Whew, this limited series on Netflix is a WILD ride that will brings chills down your spine as Richard Gadd, who plays the main character and wrote the autobiographical series, unwinds his twisted tale of enduring a stalker. The breakout hit is nominated for 11 Emmys this awards season, including three for Gadd himself.
This will hit close to home for anyone who’s been stalked, taken advantage of, or even just felt that uncomfortable energy from a new friend. You know the feeling…like they might want to wear you as a jacket. But seriously, the reality of a female stalker who utilizes technology is a story begging to be told since the birth of catfishing and Richard Gadd leaves it all on the screen in this devastating memoir.
I laughed, I gasped, I had my heart ripped out and sewn back together again in this beautiful tragedy. And that’s all you can call this — tragedy, but an authentic one. It all feels disturbingly human. This story reminded me how complicated sexuality and connection can truly be in the modern era. It’s not positive all the time but we can grow from it by sharing stories like this.
Okay, okay, okay, this title may not be taking home any awards but I am a massive, shameless fan of Netflix reality shows and as a single 30 something “woo girl”, Perfect Match ignites all my beachy fantasies.
This dating game/reality show is especially fun if you’ve been watching all the other reality shows from Netflix: Love Is Blind, Too Hot to Handle, The Mole, The Trust, Dating and Related, The Ultimatum and more. Because now, they’re sticking all those single heroes and villains into one tropical vacation house!
Basically, the way the dating game works is that you need to “match” with someone at the end of the night to stay in the game. There’s also a physical challenge element each day and if couples win that, then they can send other contestants out on dates with past reality show stars or split from their partner to go on a date of their own. It’s a mess and I love it all!
Original cast member of Too Hot to Handle and Dancing With the Stars contestant, Harry Jowsey is back on Netflix for Season 2 of the Perfect Match. Love him or hate him, Harry’s got that main character energy that sucks you in. He’s also 6’5 with an Australian accent and built like a Spartan warrior…ya know, if that’s…important to you. Watch him cry throughout 75% of the season as my favorite unfaithful golden retriever tries to find love once again. Poor guy, he’s trying, he just loves women so much.
Another Netflix favorite back in the house this season is the endearing sensitive, nerd Dom Gabriel, who originally competed on The Mole and then Season 1 of Perfect Match with his match Georgia— until she notoriously cheated on him with Harry after the show. Even behind the scenes, the drama writes itself, people. Don’t worry, Dom and Harry are besties now and their surprisingly sweet friendship might just be the best on-show connection.
Among other Netflix reality stars to appear in season 2 are Jessica, who didn’t get a proposal on the latest season of Love is Blind, Tolú, who was lovely, loyal, and ruthless on the debut season of The Trust, and Stevan from Too Hot to Handle, which in case you didn’t know is a show in which they are financially penalized for hooking up with each other.
Contestants are encouraged to connect, communicate, and switch it up at whim. And since you need a room to make it to the next round, everyone’s on the prowl. Wooo the tea is hot, baby! This is Love Island mixed with The Bachelor mixed with MTV’s The Challenge all rebooted and re-imagined in an addictive summery package.
Want a filthy guilty pleasure full of drama, hookups, and oddly enough — hope? Then, this your weekend binge. Your BFF and a fruity cocktail are not required for this viewing but definitely recommended.
In addition to rewatching How I Met Your Mother for the thousandth time, I have been recently binging overseas Netflix teen shows…and my particularly juicy favorite as of late is Heartbreak High, a sassy Australian high school dramedy that started in 2022.
Outspoken and ambitious protagonist, Amerie finds herself in a scandal when the whole school finds the secret wall she and her best friend made that maps out everyone in the school who’s hooked up with each other! Absolute turmoil. I mean, I can’t even imagine the bedlam of something like this coming out when I was at North Pocono High School!
Heartbreak High is also sex positive, LGBTQA+ positive, neurodivergent positive, and beautifully diverse in all senses of the word, but in a way that feels authentic. Characters act like real teenagers, just messing up and putting their whole heart into everything.
And where else can you find a show where someone breaks up with their girlfriend to date a guy, but then that guy breaks up with them to be with the ex-girlfriend they just left? Brilliant. This is the drama I crave!
Overall, this was a joyful, easy watch I recommend for anyone looking for a healthy dose of teen drama. Also, relax, this isn’t Riverdale. No need to anticipate a car explosion in the background carrying all your favorite characters. Just enjoy the ride. There are so many sweet moments that several times, I asked myself, “Why am I crying right now?”
Godless is one of the best limited series of all time. Since 2017 was still arguably “early Netflix” many may have missed out on this unique Western drama, but wow, this is worth the watch.
Godless tells the tale of an olde western American town where all the husbands died in a mine accident, leaving the women in charge. Eventually the suddenly matriarchal mining town of La Belle finds itself in the crosshairs of a feud between two fearsome cowboys, a misunderstood wanted gunslinger and his despicable father figure. Despite the odds, the ladies of La Belle decide to stay and fight for their autonomy.
The cast mixes both star actors and promising newcomers all playing well-written roles. The intro also SLAPS and even won the show an Emmy, along with well-deserved supporting role wins for Jeff Daniels, the main antagonist who you’ll hate with a Joffrey Baratheon type passion…yet sympathize with, and Merritt Wever, who gives a standout performance as the sheriff’s badass, unwavering sister. The show earned 12 Emmy nominations total in 2018 and three wins.
This limited series has it all; action, drama, romance, and comedy, all in a beautifully told package. This show hangs onto everything we’ve come to love about Westerns (shoot-outs, saloons, brothels, and all) while successfully swapping out the old racist, misogynistic tropes for well-rounded characters and deep plotlines.
I’ve never heard ANYONE talk about this original Netflix show, but, in my humble opinion, this is the best limited series on the market. This is a one-of-a-kind story that comes to life with stellar acting and inspirational detail.