Thrilling legal drama from Clint Eastwood, “Juror #2,” is available to watch on MAX.
Photo Credit — IMDB
Hands down one of the most popular actors and directors in the history of the cinema, Clint Eastwood is now 94 years young and it’s been rumored that this film “Juror #2” will be his final production in the famed Hollywood wheel.
With so many hits under his creative belt, most notably titles like “In the Line of Fire,” “Unforgiven,” “Escape from Alcatraz,” “Gran Torino,” “Dirty Harry,” and “American Sniper” to highlight a few. I remember my mother’s personal favorite of his was the adaptation of the bestselling book “Bridges of Madison County.” I will never forget how we both cried like babies watching it together when it hit HBO on our 27-inch box set TV.
In recent years, Eastwood has come under some unfavored fanfare because of his politics. Making his political beliefs known certainly deflated his Hollywood balloon a bit. Even with this court-room drama, the studio didn’t promote like years prior when he was always an awards contender darling. Who could ever forget his best picture win for “Million Dollar Baby”? Not me, as I have never seen a better film in my entire life — so far anyways. I tip my hat to you, Clint, well that is if I was wearing one.
Juror #2 starring Nicholas Hoult (“Nosferatu”), who plays Justin Kemp, a humble family man with a baby on the way and an untimely mandatory jury duty notice in his mailbox to boot. With a high-profile murder trial on the table, Justin faces a real moral dilemma, one that can free or imprison the wrong suspect.
Toni Collete (“Knives Out,” “Dream Horse”) sporting a half decent southern accent here is Faith Killebrew, an attractive powerhouse attorney with a suspicious finger on the pulse of the case. I’ve always had such a soft spot for Ms. Collete, and here again she does not disappoint.
With a supporting cast of J.K. Simmons, who seemingly pops up with bit parts in anything he can, and another name we don’t hear all that much anymore, Kiefer Sutherland, who personally wrote Eastwood asking to be in his project as he was always such a big fan.
So, the real verdict here, no pun intended, is Juror #2 a worthy endgame to an illustrious career for the legendary icon Mr. Eastwood?
Well quite frankly, it lands somewhere in the middle. No unnecessary excuse needed to get out of seeing this one, much like we look to give before being picked for jury duty obligation. Certainly, much better than 2021’s lame “Cry Macho” but it doesn’t quite elevate as high as 2018’s “The Mule” did for me, personally speaking. “The Mule,” a great film, is sadly mostly forgotten in his colorful filmography. Give it a revisited viewing when you get a free evening, please, in honor of this American great.
Bravo to Clint and big thanks for all the decades of entertainment he has supplied us all. Now just like all his early Westerns of the 1960’s & 70’s, ride your graceful horse off into the crimson sunset sir…
”Juror #2,” starring Nicholas Hoult and Toni Collette
Christopher’s “Meow” Score: “6” paws out of 10.