Thelma is a rip-roaring adventure comedy about a grandma who seeks revenge on those who took advantage of her.
Photo Credit — IMDB
How many of you still answer phone calls from unknown numbers that you are unsure of who is on the other end?
I get countless spam calls on my cell phone each week and I don’t ever bother to pick up. If you want to reach me, just text me please, it is so much less hassle these days, and more efficient! I know, I know, it isn’t as personable and 10 years ago I would have preferred a personal phone call hearing a loved one’s voice. But these days…I’m not a kid anymore and my time is becoming more and more precious to me, I already listen to unwanted jaws flapping during the workweek.
“Thelma” is an uproarious new comedy that follows Academy Award nominee June Squibb (Nebraska) as a 90-something, shaky, old woman living on borrowed time. Trying to avoid being placed in a nursing home, the old lassie is ever so close to her 24-year-old grandson named Daniel, played sweetly by Fred Hechinger, who is her informal caretaker always volunteering to watch over her. The relationship between these two is over the moon adorable to watch, quite frankly. It warmed my heart the entire hour and 38 minutes to view the rich dialogue between the two.
Things quickly go south though, and I am not talking Miami folks! Thelma unexpectedly answers a scam call while at home resting, claiming to be her grandson calling from prison and needing $10,000 bail in order to be set free. The naive Gram quickly gives in and follows through without much of a second thought.
How many times have we heard of this similar, god forsaken scenario over recent years where such crooks are trying to get one over on the senior population? Far too often sadly. But we must not forget that the Pennsylvania Lotto benefits the elder population in our great state, right?
Thelma had me from hello, folks! I was reeled in hook, line, and sinker! And I am not even a fisherman. I had a slapstick grin plastered across my face the entire movie. You would have sworn I was the Joker in fact. But no joke indeed, watching this granny seek revenge on those who stole her money is a sight and a half.
Thelma was a hoot from start to finish. Do not count granny out because she shuffles and has a delayed speech. Even riding her Jazzie scooter, Thelma has a determined plan up her sleeve, or in her purse beside the sweet and low packets and creamers she stole from the table at lunch. Yes, that is in fact what my grandma Marie would do back in the day. She may even have been guilty of swiping a few salt and pepper shakers, the old klepto, god rest her soul.
”Thelma,” starring: June Squibb, Parker Posey, Malcom McDowell
Christopher’s “Meow” Score: “8 1/2” paws out of 10.