Guillermo del Toro’s “Pinocchio” was an Oscars favorite in 2023. Local writer, Chris Vernon tells us what he thinks of the animated/stop-motion film in this week’s Movie Meow.
No, your eyes are not tricking you! There was indeed yet another rendition of the classic Pinocchio story retold and rehashed. But this time, without a doubt, reimagined.
Visionary artist and director Guillermo Del Toro (The Shape of Water) brought us the 4,000th remake of Carlo Collodi’s classic tale about a disobedient wooden marionette magically brought to life. But fear not, this version is like none ever seen before.
Coming fresh off of a win for Best Animated Feature at the Oscars just weeks prior, this stop-motion animation is one of most unique pieces you will witness in a hot minute. In its defense, I really believe Pinocchio has been redone so much because it is such a relatable, timeless story. At the heart of it, elements of loss, struggle finding one’s place in the world, and the power of one’s imagination are always in focus.
I felt a real connection with the puppets on stage being manhandled by only orchestrated strings. After all, anyone working for corporate America should easily relate. The only real critique I could argue with this attempt was the actual look of the wooden star himself. I think I expected something not so basic looking, but then again, he certainly stood out against all of the lush backdrop. So maybe that was in part Guillermo’s point of this set in Italy.
Although technically an animated feature, it didn’t feel or come across as one. It was very human feeling, so don’t let that deter you as an adult viewer. It was just the right amount of dark and extremely whimsical. My two daughters (felines) at home are still holding a grudge against this film though, they both were rooting for the latest “Puss in Boots” to win the Best Animated Feature prize. They can tend to be a bit on stubborn side. But just like me, offer them a treat, a little tickle, and they just perk right up!
“Guillermo Del Toro’s Pinocchio,” starring: The Voices of Ewan McGregor, Tilda Swinton
Christopher’s “Meow” Score: “7 1/2” paws out of 10.