”Breathe” is a new action-thriller starring Jennifer Hudson, Sam Worthington, and Milla Jovovich in a world with no oxygen.
                                 <em>Photo Credit — IMDB</em>

”Breathe” is a new action-thriller starring Jennifer Hudson, Sam Worthington, and Milla Jovovich in a world with no oxygen.

Photo Credit — IMDB

Oxygen levels are decreasing to near uninhabitable levels, so an underdog mother and daughter must band together for survival and team up against a group of intruders who claim to know their family.

Being a proud supporter of believing in climate change and loving my mother Earth, the premise to this supernatural action thriller actually seemed to tickle my fancy when I first read the plot. It seemed believable enough to me at least in the not-so-distant future if we the people do not decide to advocate and clean up our act.

Starring Oscar winner Jennifer Hudson (“Sex and the City: The Movie”) who plays Maya, a mother to a mouthy, independent daughter named Zora, who claims to know it all. Sounds familiar enough, as I have a grown niece myself, (eye roll).

In come two strangers who claim to want to help them survive, but also seem threatening at the same time played by Milla Jovovich (“Resident Evil”), a name one hasn’t heard for quite some time. Opposite her is Sam Worthington (“Avatar”) as Lucas, donning long hair, making the Aussie nearly unrecognizable. I have always been a fan of Sam myself, but am not quite sure what happened to his film choices. He needs to fire his agent, as his star has certainly fallen in the past few years.

“Breathe” is one of those forgotten movies that almost no one has ever heard of, nor will again after reading this article. The set and back drop looked cheap, like it was reused from some West Hollywood stage play. I couldn’t wait for it to conclude so I could get on with my life…

How I actually stayed awake I will never know, as I ran out of toothpicks to hold my eyelids open. Jennifer Hudson you are better than this. I understand a role is a role, and momma may need some new shoes, but really girl? Come on now! This film is flea market bargain basement bin material at best.

“Breathe,” starring: Jennifer Hudson, Sam Worthington, Milla Jovovich

Christopher’s “Meow” Score: “2” paws out of 10.