One of the reasons some Americans will vote for President Trump is that he gets things done for our working class. This is what his golf buddy Rush Limbaugh will say, but let’s do some fact-checking.
Trump’s tax “reform” benefitted America’s wealthiest Americans the most. It hasn’t helped our economy because it’s a fact that the “trickle-down theory” doesn’t work. The lower tax rate for corporations led to corporations buying back stock, not hiring more employees or giving existing employees a pay increase. Why weren’t their tax loopholes eliminated? Why did Trump reduce taxes when our economy was doing well? It was payback for the billionaires who donated to his campaign.
Trump promised to stop shipping our jobs overseas, but during the last 33 months of Obama’s term, non-farm employment increased by 7,380,000, but only by 6,250,000 during Trump’s first 33 months in office as per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Back in February of 2017, Trump promised companies like GM, Ford, Sprint, Intel and Harley Davidson would add tens of thousands of jobs, but as of January 2020, as a group, they reduced their total number of employees by about 15,000.
Trump, a great self-promoter, likes to take credit for our energy independence, but the U.S. became the world’s leading producer of natural gas back in 2009 and our oil production has increased every year during the past 10 years, not just since he took office.
What have we learned from doing this fact-checking? Don’t believe anything Trump says. Do some research and you’ll learn that Trump doesn’t deserve credit for a good economy during his first three years, but he does deserve to be blamed for the coronavirus being out of control.
Save America by voting for Joe Biden.
Joe Czarnecki,