Dear Melissa,

My boyfriend of four years and I recently broke up. I was in the process of planning him a surprise party for his 30th birthday, and all of the arrangements were already made and paid for when I found out he was cheating on me. The party is in two weeks, and since everything is nonrefundable, I don’t know if I should still go through with it considering the terms of the break up.

Party pooper

Dear Party Pooper,

If everything is nonrefundable, you might as well get your party on instead of losing out on the money. If it is possible, make it a party for you; the day doesn’t need to be about him. Explain to the guests that the relationship is no longer a thing and that you are instead having a Halloween party and not his birthday party. Chances are they will be relieved that they don’t have to buy a gift and you can turn your lemons into lemonade and end up having a fun night!

Have fun and get your party on!


Melissa Hughes Hughes

By Melissa Hughes

For Weekender

Girl Talk began in 2012 as a telltale horror story of the city’s most epic dating disasters and has evolved into a column about love, life experiences and growing up. Melissa also has a weekly Girl Talk TV segment on PA Live, WBRE, and a radio segment every Wednesday on 98.5 KRZ.