Dear Melissa,

I have been offered a job at a higher position within my company. It is a great opportunity for me, however, it requires me to relocate to New Jersey, and my boyfriend is really against me going.

My career is very important to me, and I have worked very hard to get this promotion so I am really sad that he is so opposed to me taking the chance.

I love him dearly, but feel like he is making me choose between him and my job. What do I do?


Dear Jobseeker,

If this promotion is your goal and you have worked hard to get there, then shame on your boyfriend for not being fully supportive of you. You are going to Jersey, not Germany. You would still be able to see each other on weekends and some nights and could always meet somewhere in the middle so the commute isn’t terrible. I say chase your dream and relish in your success. If he can’t get behind you and show his support, then he might not be the best fit. Don’t stop chasing those dreams!


Melissa Hughes Hughes

By Melissa Hughes

For Weekender

Girl Talk began in 2012 as a telltale horror story of the city’s most epic dating disasters and has evolved into a column about love, life experiences and growing up. Melissa also has a weekly Girl Talk TV segment on PA Live, WBRE, and a radio segment every Wednesday on 98.5 KRZ.