When most people start on some sort of slim down program, they typically start off spinning their wheels with no real progress in the first several months.

And when I say program this is what I mean: A person impulsively decides to start doing some form of exercise. This typically includes the latest fad version of whatever is going on.

It usually happens as a result of desperation.

This person jumps on the bandwagon and goes all out for about a week or so, maybe two.

This person might even hire a trainer. If they’re lucky this trainer might have a solid foundation and experience, but often times it’s not the case.

Said person suddenly realizes that the all out method isn’t working. He or she gets frustrated, quits, switches gyms or worse, buys into some other highly marketed, overhyped, nonsense programming that won’t really deliver the results that are promised.

I hear it all the time from people: “I want my legs leaner, my butt smaller, and my waist slimmer. I don’t want to get too big or bulky, either. I want my arms to look athletic and cut, too.”

And the workout typically goes like this: No squats. All running. Crunches, tons of them. More cardio. Light weight bicep curls. Triceps extensions till it burns. Yoga.

The nutrition, rarely discussed, usually involves some sort of detox, incomplete meal and gluten free menu.

This plan can be a part of something, but it’s missing a whole lot of stuff.

The exercises listed certainly aren’t detrimental. And the nutrition approach is not terrible either.

Chances are this approach is not fun. But who cares, you’re on a mission, right?

Think long term and longevity.

My advice:

1. Don’t be impulsive. Figure out your goals and objectives. Get a game plan and execute it over time.

2. Don’t cram. Yes, I know your class reunion, wedding, holiday party is coming up. Don’t wait until the last minute and then crash diet and hyper-exercise.

3. Start at your own level. If it has been awhile since you’ve hit the gym, start back slowly.

4. Focus on the “big rocks” of fitness. Weight training should be a priority.

5. Find a purpose. Yes, being sexy is cool but find a bigger reason to adhere to it this time.

6. It’s not possible to spot reduce so leave the spot training exercises alone. Unless they are part of a bigger plan.

7. The bigger plan! Focus on working large muscle groups when training. They burn more calories.

8. Improve over time. If you’re not improving weekly, you will eventually stop making progress.

9. To lose fat you must be in caloric deficit. Watch your calories but don’t skip meals.

10. Until you get the big things down like being consistent in the gym, food prepping most of the time or at least making stellar decisions when out to eat, doing some version of cardio, making progress with weight training.

Until you get these things down, everything else is a distraction.

The most successful people in the long term are the ones who steer clear of dietary (and exercise) extremes and become masters of moderation.

Tim’s annual Turkey Trot takes place at 9 a.m. Nov. 26 at 900 Rutter Ave. Forty Fort. Registration begins at 8 a.m. and cost is $25.

Better Body Bootcamp class XII starts Nov. 30. Cost is $99 for four weeks. Classes are every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 6 to 6:45 a.m. Call 570-338-2386 for more info.

Tim Hlivia is a trainer at Leverage Fitness Studio. Need help getting started on fitness? He will be happy to take the time and sit down with you and talk. 570-338-2386.

By Tim Hlivia | For Weekender
