The StepCrew combines styles of Irish Stepdancing, Ottawa Valley Stepdancing, and Tap at their upcoming recital at F.M. Kirby Center.
WILKES-BARRE – Virtuosic Irish step dancers The StepCrew comes to the F.M. Kirby Center on Wednesday, March 13, at 7:00 p.m. as part of the F.M. Kirby Center’s Signature Series presented by Geisinger and media partner WNEP.
Tickets are on sale now for $10.00 and can be purchased online at kirbycenter.org, ticketmaster.com, and at the F.M. Kirby Center Box Office.
Take Nathan and Jon Pilatzke, two brothers from rural Ontario who haphazardly get started in Canadian Stepdancing and Fiddling as young children. The two boys, like a surprisingly high amount of other Canadian children, spend their summer weekends travelling around Ontario competing in Fiddle and Stepdance festivals.
Cut to years later — Nathan and Jon pursue their art forms into a professional career. It is in this forum that they encounter The Chieftains lead dancer Cara Butler, a multi-time Irish Stepdancing champion and the three friends unknowingly and unwittingly create the core, both physically and conceptually, for a new dance production aptly titled “The StepCrew.”
The StepCrew is a completely original display of three styles of percussive dance – Irish Stepdancing, Ottawa Valley Stepdancing, and Tap – in a fully realized theatrical setting.
This mission could not be clearer as the curtain rises to a short taste of each style in its traditional form, only to be followed by a bolt to the senses resulting in the full company dancing a uniform style — a style which Jean Butler of Riverdance fame could only describe as “a unique and seamless blend of all three.”
From there this amazing company takes you on a journey from a house party in the back kitchen of an old Irish cottage, to a lamp lit sidewalk in New York City, to a French Canadian lumber-camp in Quebec, using nothing more than their feet.
Where it is inarguable that The StepCrew is a celebration of dance, one cannot deny the musical abilities of the instrumentalists — two of the dancers themselves being noted and champion Canadian fiddlers. One of The StepCrew’s “secret weapons” is its musical ensemble. The StepCrew boasts performers from The Chieftains, Cherish The Ladies, Lunasa, Loreena McKennit, Carlos Nunez, and Bowfire.
As six-time Grammy Award winner Paddy Moloney of The Chieftains quotes, “The StepCrew does not simply draw their audience in, they take them by the hand and remind us what dance is meant to be about – fun!”
Seating for the event is all general admission. For more information on The StepCrew can be found at: http://stepcrew.com/