The biopic of Amy Winehouse’s phenomenal career and tragic story are captured in “Back to Black,” just released in theaters.
Back To Black, a notorious album release that catapulted all the way to Number 1 on the international charts and stayed put for seven consecutive weeks.
“Rehab,” the sensational track was near impossible to get away from, as it was just seemingly playing everywhere. Earning the English Chanteuse five Grammy awards at the 2008 telecast, Amy Winehouse quickly became a household name throughout the land literally overnight.
SPOILER ALERT: She Died! If you were not aware of this fact then too bad, so sad for you! You must live under a rock and should maybe think about crawling back under there quietly. The troubled singer, filled with internal demons, died of alcohol poisoning on July 23, 2011. Where does the time go? Truly…
Now a mere 13 years later here we are with a scripted biopic on the vocal legend with a cast of mainly unknowns and Jack O’Connell (Godless, Skins UK) playing Amy’s unstable bad boy husband, Blake. Sad to say this dude reminds me of the majority of the dating pool right here in our corner of PA. Drugs, alcohol, a police record running about as long as my Christmas wish list every year! Yep, sounds about right.
Marisa Abela, playing Ms. Winehouse was pretty good, but she wasn’t spot on. I wasn’t totally convinced while watching her mirrored performance. As with some other reviews I scanned, I also agree the drama in the story was a bit whitewashed. The trouble in the marriage was not depicted as traumatically as it should have been, as it was seen in the open press.
Still, the songs were infectious and you couldn’t help but pull for this troubled soul. As with many things, we wish it turned out differently. Thus is the story of life.
Let me also note, this very week is my 2 year anniversary writing for the Times Leader Media Group. Never skipped a week, as serving you readers has be my ultimate pleasure.
Let this movie be a life lesson to you if necessary. If your loved ones ever try to “make you go to rehab,” maybe you should “go, go, go.”
”Back To Black,” starring: Marisa Abela, Jack O’Connell
Christopher’s “Meow” Score: “7” paws out of 10.