Summer is flying by with warm weather and lazy days dwindling. However, there is still time to enjoy a day poolside while enjoying a great beer. Another pleasure to pursue while enjoying a great beer is reading about our beloved liquid refreshment.
Summer is a great time to curl up with a great book and a great beer, and there is an endless supply of great books devoted to craft beer. If you have ever wanted to learn more about craft beer, summer is the time to do it.
Here is a short list of great books to read this summer that will expand your knowledge and appreciation of craft beer:
“Tasting Beer: 2nd Edition” by Randy Mosher: Randy Mosher’s Tasting Beer has long been on any must-read book list relating to beer. It is the go-to book to read when learning more about one of the worlds oldest beverages. This year, a brand new updated version was released. The updated information is in keeping with the growing craft beer industry and beer styles. If you have wanted to learn more about beer, this is the first and best place to start!
“Modern Homebrew Recipes” by Gordon Strong: Homebrewing is a hobby that has grown in popularity as the love of craft beer has taken off. This is a hobby that is fun and rewarding; after all you get to drink your efforts. Each year, the American Homebrewers Association awards the Ninkasi Award and Gordon Strong is the only recipient to win three years in a row, so this is a man who knows how to brew. His new book offers a wide array of recipes that are easy to understand and perfect for those looking to either enter the hobby or gain a new depth of knowledge within it.
“Brewing Local” by Stan Hieronymus: Brewing Local is part history and part brewing with a lot of great information enclosed. The use of local and native ingredients in beer has long been a tradition, and many current brewers have latched on to this belief wholeheartedly. An examination of brewers and breweries goes deep into those who forage for ingredients and capture wild yeast for distinct and unique beers. Also an in-depth look at a variety of plants, trees, nuts, herbs, and shrubs used in beer and the distinct flavors these ingredients impart into the beer is examined. Any beer lover with a curious mind will want this book on their shelf.
“How to Brew” by John Palmer: Looking to start brewing your own beer? This is the absolute must-have book! John Palmer’s “How to Brew” has long been the go-to book for anyone looking to learn about brewing their own beer. This fully revised and updated version that was released this year is full of great information that is up to date with all the day’s current practices. Brewing great beer is not only a fun hobby, but with the aide of this book, will produce delicious and possibly award-winning results. One hint though: Be careful before purchasing, because it is a very addicting hobby!
“So You Want to Start A Brewery?” by Tony Magee: If you have been homebrewing and are now thinking about taking the leap forward toward opening your own brewery, the task may seem daunting. It is tough to open your own business no matter the field, but a brewery is a task unto itself. Who better to guide you through the ins and outs of the business than Lagunitas owner Tony Magee. Tony walks you through what to do, and more importantly what not to do, when opening a brewery with practical, down-to-earth advice. The book is also filled with great stories about some of Lagunitas’ best beers — a must read for all who love craft beer.
Whether you are a homebrewer, professional brewer, or craft beer lover learning more about beer is always an enjoyment. Just be sure to have a great beer on hand, because reading about it will make you very thirsty!