
Find inspiration and hope with NBA star, Chris Herren, at Kalahari Resort

POCONO MANOR — Come out for a extraordinary evening of storytelling, inspiration, and community strength when former Boston Celtic and NBA star, Chris Herren, shares his powerful journey of success, addiction, loss, and recovery.

Kalahari Poconos celebrates National Waterpark Day on July 28

POCONO MOUNTAIN — Kalahari Resorts and Conventions, home to America’s Largest Indoor Waterparks, will celebrate National Waterpark Day on Sunday, July 28, at all four of its award-winning resorts.

Food & (Not Just) Wine Festival premieres at Kalahari Resort in the Poconos

POCONO MANOR — Sunday, May 19, Kalahari Resort and Conventions in the Pocono Mountains features over 70 local and national food and beverage vendors.

Weekender Spotlight