Name: Lauren Lewis

Age: 22.. I’ll be 23 next week!

Lauren is a bartender at Franklin’s & Rodano’s.

What does a perfect summer day for you entail?

I love starting my summer days off at the gym right when I wake up. A nice workout followed by some time out in the sun is the best feeling to me. I’d probably grab some mojitos with my friends when the sun went down. But obviously I’d take the beach over that any day.

What three words would your friends use to describe you?

Crazy. Loving. Hard working.

What words of wisdom would you pass onto your childhood self?

Know yourself and know your worth. That’s definitely something I’ve grown to understand as I’ve gotten older.

If you could time travel, where would you go?

I’m not quite sure if I would do either … go to the past or the present. The past is in the past and I look forward to seeing how my future unfolds. I’m all about living in the present moment.

Lauren Lewis Lewis Amanda Hrycyna | For Weekender

Lauren Lewis Lewis Amanda Hrycyna | For Weekender

Lauren Lewis Lewis Amanda Hrycyna | For Weekender

Lauren Lewis Lewis Amanda Hrycyna | For Weekender