First Posted: 6/3/2013

Fusions can create interesting new spins on genres as well as the way music is internalized by the listener, fusing audience demographics if (and only if) they are done effectively. The Maine’s new album “Forever Halloween,” released on June 4 by Eighty One Twenty Three, is a questionable attempt at combining pop and rock into something that ends up sounding like a watered-down version of Mumford & Sons, but amped up with cheesy guitar solos.
The Maine has a reputation of reaching out to teenagers and young girls through their poppy propaganda, most prominently displayed in their first album, “Can’t Stop Won’t Stop. It seems as though they are trying to use “Forever Halloween” to breach the wall of pop that has culminated around them to break into some sort of pop or indie rock scene, instead bouncing off the wall and knocking them over. The problem is simply that they’re trying way too hard to do something they’re just not good at – rock.
Album covers can say very little or a lot about the content of the music it’s encasing; in the case of “Forever Halloween,” it just provokes the idea that they really are trying way too hard. The skeleton looks like something that should appear on a Brand New cover or an indie punk band maintaining their image with an abstract title to coincide. “Forever Halloween” sounds like a bunch of poppy, sensitive guys sat down and tried to think of an edgy album name, which seems to be the case.
“Forever Halloween” can be contextualized. It will keep The Maine popular with young teenager girls, but it will not stylistically allow them to reach out to an older, more tasteful age as the musicians themselves mature, which can create a struggle to stay relevant to yourself and your fans. There is no doubt The Maine will create sales through the consistent younger demographic, but the question of whether or not they will sell out to themselves as they mature remains.
The Maine ‘Forever Halloween’ Rating: W W